Archives: News

Marko Kravos in Janko Ban prejemnika priznanj SKGZ-SSO
10. February 2020
Osrednja proslava Slovencev v Italiji ob slovenskem kulturnem prazniku, ki jo prirajata SKGZ in SSO, je bila letos v znamenju 75-letnice Radia Trst A in 25-letnice slovenske televizije. Pod naslovom Dokler veter ne menja svojega jezika (po verzu koroškega pesnika Gustava Januša iz pesmi V besedo sem bil rojen) je potekala v obliki sprehoda po...
Osrednja proslava Slovencev v Italiji ob slovenskem kulturnem prazniku, ki jo prirajata SKGZ in SSO, je...

A group of Scandiano (Reggio Emilia) visited Trieste
2. May 2017
Within the "More than Neighbours" Grundtvig project a group of 50 people from Scandiano (Reggio Emilia, Italy) visited Trieste in order to familiarize with Slovenia and the Slovenian national community living in Italy. The primary objective of this project is discovering neighbouring countries and peoples and project activities are aimed at promoting growth in line...
Within the "More than Neighbours" Grundtvig project a group of 50 people from Scandiano (Reggio Emilia,...

SKGZ and SSO handed in a memorandum to the Undersecretary of the Italian Government Alfredo Mantica
2. May 2017
SKGZ’s President Rudi Pavšič and SSO s President Drago Štoka handed in the following memorandum to the Undersecretary of the Italian Government Alfredo Mantica: *On behalf of the two most representative organisations of the Slovenian community in Italy (the Council of the Slovenian Organisations-SSO and the Slovenian Cultural and Economic Association-SKGZ) we would like to...
SKGZ’s President Rudi Pavšič and SSO s President Drago Štoka handed in the following memorandum to...

SKGZ supports the position of the Italian Federation of Combatants and Partisans Associations
2. May 2017
SKGZ s President Rudi Pavšič sent a letter to the President of the Republic of Italy Napolitano, the President of the Italian Senate Schifani, the President of the Italian Chamber of Deputies Fini and the President of the Friuli-Venezia Giulia Regional Council Franz. The letter is fully transcribed below. *Dear Mr. President, We address you...
SKGZ s President Rudi Pavšič sent a letter to the President of the Republic of Italy...

New significant resources for understanding our organisation
2. May 2017
At the Gregorčičeva dvorana hall in Trieste, the Slovenian Cultural and Economic Association presented its refurbished website and the new trilingual brochure (in Slovene, Italian and English). The press-conference was attended by the Minister for the Slovenians Abroad dr. Žekš, the Consul of the Republic of Slovenia in Trieste Bojana Cipot, the Senator Tamara Blažina,...
At the Gregorčičeva dvorana hall in Trieste, the Slovenian Cultural and Economic Association presented its refurbished...

Novogoriški župan Arčon gost SKGZ za Goriško
2. May 2017
»Skupaj lahko veliko naredimo.« V tej trditvi je povzeta vsebina besed, izrečenih na sprejemu, ki ga je za novogoriškega župana Mateja Arčona priredila Slovenska kulturno gospodarska zveza (SKGZ) za Goriško. Pogovor z novim županom je potekal v KB centru na Verdijevem korzu in ga je vodil goriški predsednik krovne organizacije Livio Semolič. Ta je najprej...
»Skupaj lahko veliko naredimo.« V tej trditvi je povzeta vsebina besed, izrečenih na sprejemu, ki ga...