The Sklad Mitja Čuk helps the children and young people, who need support due to continuous or temporary distress. The foundation organises extra-curricular activities, courses, consultancy services for education, development and family needs, meetings with experts, summer camps and art exhibitions at the Bambič Gallery. It publishes the magazine 6KRAT (Six times) and an article in the daily press. The future multi-purpose centre will represent a meeting point between generations. The Occupational Education Centre Mitja Čuk Onlus, an emanation of the Association, manages a daytime centre for youth and adults with special needs in Contovello.

President: Stanislava Sosič Čuk

34151 Trieste – Via di Prosecco 131 (Opicina)
tel. +39 040 212289
fax +39 040 2155287

34170 Gorizia – Via Petrogalli 44

33049 S.Pietro al Natisone (UD) – Viale Azzida 9